It is powered by 3 AAA batteries and also feeds the microphone: BBC bit map has an on / off switch, so when it is not being used the batteries will not be drained.
- Connect two servos in standard con?guration and can drive up to 3 servos if the addressable ‘ZIP’ LEDs aren’t needed.
- Powered by 3 AAA batteries that also supply power to the BBC microbit (not supplied).
- On / off switch.
- 5 x RGB addressable ZIP LEDs (NeoPixel compatible). Additional external ZIP LEDs can be connected to the board.
- 1 x Servo:Lite board with battery holder pre-fitted.
- 5 x M3x8 Counter sunk Pozi Steel screws.
- 1 x Perspex spacer.
- Length: 55mm.
- Width: 52mm.
- Height: 17mm.